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Don’t miss the year’s most spelt-acular event.
assorted artisan breads displayed on a bakery shelf
Fad diets that drastically cut food groups (like whole grains!) and attempt to reshape your physique for the sake of vanity may not have your body’s best interest in mind. Research demonstrates that people who eat more whole grains tend to have smaller waist sizes and less visceral fat (the type of...
Man sitting in empty restaurant alone at table
The data of the past 18 months paints an interesting picture of American purchasing habits and preferences. There are always changes in data from one year to the next, but this was no ordinary year. So much about our lives have changed, including how and what we eat.
Top Two Reasons for Choosing Whole Grains
Did you know that consumption of whole grains has risen because of the pandemic? Or that the number of consumers who choose whole grains for their environmental benefits is on the rise? The results of the 2021 Whole Grains Consumer Insights Survey are in.
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Even if you use pasteurized eggs, there is another reason that raw cookie dough could mean playing roulette with your immune system… the raw flour! The FDA explicitly cautions against consuming raw flour, a lesson that could potentially extend to other raw grains as well.
Child and parent choosing whole grain bread at grocery store
There are new regulations coming out of Brazil that are going to have a huge impact on the whole grain environment in Brazil.
50% whole wheat loaf of bread cut in half on cutting board
There were failures, successes, lessons learned and wonderful whole wheat loaves consumed!
Field of Wheat
To learn more about the Grain School, we caught up with Nanna Meyer, PhD, RD, CSSD, an associate professor at UCCS who helped get the program off the ground.
Danish Whole Grain Logo
This month we caught up with Rikke Iben Neess, campaign leader for the Danish Whole Grain Partnership to learn more about the success they have had increasing whole grain intake among the Danish population.
Table piled with loaves of bread with a sign reading Fresh Bread
Bread’s four simple ingredients belie the complexity of processes that transform a glorified paste into a towering loaf. Bread is a tangled web of interactions and dependencies. If the complexity intimidates more than excites you, bread baking doesn’t have to be that way.
bowl of quinoa
How has the popularity of particular grains increased over the past several years? How has use and prevalence of the Whole Grain Stamp changed over time? Is the amount of whole grain in products increasing overall? Here’s a peek at what we found.
Field of Wheat
Contrary to popular belief, there are actually only a few food crops that are grown as GMOs, including just one grain. And it's not the one you might think!...
