Why might you want to rethink that grain-free diet? How do whole grains fit into front-of-pack labeling schemes? What does the research tell us about ultra-processed foods with whole grains? What are some delicious and easy ways to incorporate whole grains into your meals? How do whole grains fit into sustainable diets?

We’ll be diving into these frequently asked questions, and many more, at…

The Whole Grain Academy

  • When: Wednesday, April 30, 2025
  • What: A one-day virtual grain school featuring a variety of whole grain webinars on hot topics in whole grains
  • Who: The Whole Grain Academy will include different sessions for food professionals and Whole Grains Council member companies, public health and nutrition professionals, and consumers and the general public
  • How: View the agenda below to register for the sessions you wish to attend. More sessions to be announced soon!

View Agenda and Register for Whole Grain Academy Sessions

Cooking Demo: Whole Grains at Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner (Wednesday, April 30th at 12:00pm ET)

If you want to eat more healthfully, one of the most simple changes to make is choosing whole grains. If you have ever wanted to try to get more grains but just didn’t know how to start, or were afraid it might not be fun, this class is for you. Learn some easy, entry-level whole grain dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Chef Robin Asbell has been an advocate for whole grains for many years, and has plenty of whole grain tips and tricks to share, as well as strategies for whole grain swaps for every occasion. The menu will include: Sweet Breakfast “Tabouli”, White Whole Wheat Pear Scones, Creamy Spinach Soup with Millet, and Salmon-Wild Rice Cakes.


Understanding Whole Grain Food Processing and the Limitations of the Nova Classification System (Wednesday, April 30th at 5:00pm ET)

In this session, nutrition researcher Elissa Price will delve into the processing of whole-grain products, including its role in increasing the availability of mainstream options like breads and ready-to-eat cereals, and related implications for nutrition and health. The Nova classification system has gained popularity for its simplicity in categorizing foods by their level of processing, however, has also been criticized for oversimplifying the nuances of food science and nutrition. The talk will discuss the shortcomings of Nova, including its potential to confuse consumers and mislead policymakers, and highlight alternative approaches that offer a more comprehensive view of food processing and its health effects. Join us to gain a deeper understanding of how to evaluate whole-grain food choices that consider all aspects of nutrition including processing, nutrients, access, and beyond.



Opportunity for WGC Member Companies

This April, as part of our Whole Grain Academy, we’re running a special social media challenge for WGC members. We’re asking members to make short recipe videos for social media featuring your Stamped products. Do you have a popular WG noodle recipe? How about overnight oats? Perhaps your ready-to-eat cereal works great in a trail mix, or you have the perfect dip recipe to accompany your whole grain crackers? Maybe your brown rice works great in a pilaf! No matter the product, we want to learn how they can be used.

Between April 1-30, members can post recipe videos on social media, tagging us @oldways_pt with the hashtag #WholeGrainAcademy. We’ll reshare and will compile the recipe videos together in a special blog post. 

We’ll choose one participating member at random to win a $525 credit towards your next WGC renewal

Stay tuned for more information! 


Bring the Whole Grain Academy to Your Own Community

We’re also sharing evergreen resources for you to host your own educational whole grain events, to spread awareness of the wonderful benefits of whole grains.

Quizzes, Contests, & Games

  • Whole Grain Trivia Contest Kit - This FREE kit comes with downloadable questions and answers, so that you can host your own trivia contest or populate a “spin-the-wheel” quiz
  • Guess the Grains Quiz - If you have internet access at your event, have visitors take our 10-question “Guess the Grains” Quiz. This is also a great tool if you have tablets (such as an iPad) at your booth/event.
  • Whole Grain Personality Quiz — Ever wonder who you’d be if you were reborn as a whole grain? Take our super serious, highly scientific quiz and find out! 
  • Whole Grain Word Search — Print copies of this word search to pass out at your  event. Puzzle and answer key both included. 
  • Whole Grain Crossword — Pass out copies of this fun crossword so that visitors to your event have something to take home with them. Puzzle and answer key both included. 


Free Handouts and Giveaways

  • Browse our FREE Handouts - From the truth about grain-free and gluten-free diets, to the sustainability benefits of whole grains, to easy whole grain recipes, we have a handout suited for any audience.
  • Get whole grain posters, buttons, & stickers - We offer buttons, stickers and posters at cost to commercial ventures – and free to nonprofits and educational groups.