Fiber in Grains Lowers Mortality Risk

Dietary fiber is a healthy nutrient found in plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and beans. But is the source of fiber important? New research says yes. Korean scientists analyzed studies following over 900,000 people to determine the relationship between fiber intake and mortality. Not surprisingly, those with the highest fiber intake (about 27g/day) had a 23% lower risk of death than those with the lowest fiber intake (about 15g/day). However, upon closer inspection, the researchers found that these results were largely dependent on the foods eaten. As fiber from grains increased, mortality significantly decreased. A similar, although much weaker, relationship was observed for fiber from beans and vegetables, while no association was observed for fruit fiber.
American Journal of Epidemiology. 2014 Sep 15;180(6):565-73. (Kim Y et al).