Low-Carb Paleo Diet Linked with Unhealthy Changes to Gut Microbiome

Paleo diets tend to be high in meat and vegetables, while restricting all grains and dairy products. In this study, researchers analyzed the microbiome of 44 people who had been following a Paleo diet for at least 1 year, and 47 people who eat a healthy diet reflective of dietary guidelines. Those strictly following a Paleo Diet and those eating a standard healthy diet ate significantly more fiber than those only loosely following a Paleo diet. However, those who strictly followed the Paleo diet (eating the lowest levels of whole grains and total grains) were significantly more likely to have higher levels of TMAO (a compound generated by the gut microbiome that is associated with plaque buildup in the arteries). The authors also added that “the rationale to exclude whole grains is not supported by data presented here; being inversely associated with body weight and TMAO concentrations.”
European Journal of Nutrition. 2019 Jul 5. doi: 10.1007/s00394-019-02036-y. [Epub ahead of print] (Genoni A et al.)