Poor Diet Linked with 1/3 of All New Colorectal Cancer Cases

Eating a healthy diet can help protect our health from a number of conditions and complications, so researchers wonder how diet might relate to cancer risk. In this study, researchers used models and dietary data to analyze the cancer cases from 2015. They found that 5.2% of all new cancer cases in 2015 could be attributed to poor diet, with 1.8% attributable to low whole grain consumption, 1.2% attributable to low dairy consumption, and 1% attributable to processed meats. The link with colorectal cancer shows the strongest relationship with diet, as poor diet is linked with 38.3% of all new colorectal cancer cases.
JNCI Cancer Spectrum. 2019 May 22;3(2):pkz034. doi: 10.1093/jncics/pkz034. (Zhang FF et al.)