Whole Grain Bread, Fiber, Fruit May Contribute to Healthy Gut Microbiome Diversity
While there is still much to learn about the gut microbiome, what we do know is that certain microbes appear to be more beneficial than others, and that a large diversity of different microbes seems to be protective. To figure out what constitutes a “normal” gut microbiome, European researchers combined microbiome data from nearly 4,000 people across the US and Western Europe. The researchers found that even within this large sample size, they have not yet uncovered the total richness of gut diversity. The scientists also analyzed a number of lifestyle and health factors to see if they might affect microbiome composition. After medication use and stool consistency, dietary factors (preference for whole grain bread, high fiber intake, and high fruit intake) were pinpointed as probable contributors of healthy gut diversity.
Science. 2016 Apr 29;352(6285):560-4. (Falony G et al.)