Whole Grains Cut Cholesterol

Italy’s National Research Council (CNR) just published a study showing that healthy middle-age adults lowered total cholesterol by 4.3% and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol by 4.9%, by eating whole grains instead of refined grains. The crossover study randomly assigned the 15 subjects to consume either refined or whole grains, in two equal-calorie diets. After three weeks, both groups took a “washout” break for two weeks, then switched diets. Although researchers reported no changes in blood or fat metabolism, hormones associated with insulin levels, compounds linked to immune response, magnesium levels, or CRP (a marker of inflation) with either diet, the subjects’ fasting cholesterol levels definitely improved on the whole grain diet.
Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Disease, online June 9, 2009. DOI:10.1016/j.numecd.2009.03.025