Spice-Focused Nutrition Education Helps Nudge Urban Teens Toward Healthy Foods

Nutrition education is a valuable tool to fight increasing obesity rates among teens, especially for those at a higher risk, such as African-Americans. Researchers compared a nutrition education curriculum focusing on spices and herbs (“Spice MyPlate”) to a basic nutrition education program based on USDA MyPlate guidelines on 110 (predominantly African-American) teens in Baltimore, Maryland. Twelve spices and herbs were chosen for the core focus of the Spice MyPlate curriculum: cinnamon, black pepper, red pepper, basil, garlic, oregano, thyme, nutmeg, ginger, turmeric, rosemary, and cumin. Participants in the Spice MyPlate group reported they were more likely to eat vegetables, low-fat dairy, and lean protein after the intervention. They also reported that they would be more likely to eat vegetables and whole grains if they were flavored with spices and herbs.
American Journal of Health Promotion. 2016 May;30(5):346-356. (D’Adamo CR et al.)

Whole Grain Bread, Fiber, Fruit May Contribute to Healthy Gut Microbiome Diversity

While there is still much to learn about the gut microbiome, what we do know is that certain microbes appear to be more beneficial than others, and that a large diversity of different microbes seems to be protective. To figure out what constitutes a “normal” gut microbiome, European researchers combined microbiome data from nearly 4,000 people across the US and Western Europe. The researchers found that even within this large sample size, they have not yet uncovered the total richness of gut diversity. The scientists also analyzed a number of lifestyle and health factors to see if they might affect microbiome composition. After medication use and stool consistency, dietary factors (preference for whole grain bread, high fiber intake, and high fruit intake) were pinpointed as probable contributors of healthy gut diversity. 
Science. 2016 Apr 29;352(6285):560-4. (Falony G et al.)

Sprouting Brown Rice Improves Eating Quality & Cooking Properties

Sprouting grains, by soaking them and allowing them to germinate, is a popular practice among health conscious consumers and a growing number of food manufacturers. In this review, scientists summarized what we know about how the sprouting process affects brown rice (increases GABA, decreases amylose, slightly increases protein, and other bioactive changes), as well as common practices (time/temperature) for producing these results. Most interestingly, the researchers found that sprouting brown rice “increases the rate of water absorption and softens the cooked [brown rice] kernels, improving eating quality,” and that “stickiness and blandness decreased.” They also report that sprouted brown rice is “easier to cook and required less cooking time” than regular brown rice.
Food Chemistry. 2016 Apr 1;196:259-71. (Cho DH et al.)

Whole Grains May Help Prevent Heart Attacks

Researchers analyzed the diet of nearly 55,000 Danish adults and then tracked their health outcomes for over 13 years. Those consuming the most whole grains per day had a 25-27% lower risk of having a heart attack than those eating the least amount of whole grains per day. In fact, increasing whole grain intake by 25g per day was linked with a 12-13% lower risk of a heart attack. Among the different types of whole grains, rye and oats appeared to be especially protective.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2016 Feb 17. Pii:acjn124271. (Helnæs A et al.)

Healthy Diet with Whole Grains, Fruits, Vegetables May Protect Against Cognitive Decline

Since there is no known cure for cognitive decline, prevention and deceleration of this condition are an important area of research. Most people’s diets change from time to time, so researchers wanted to study how these changes affect cognition. In a study of over 2000 Swedish older adults at least 60 years old, eating a “Western diet” (lots of refined or processed foods, red meats, high fat dairy products, saturated/trans fats, and sugar) was associated with more cognitive decline, whereas eating a more “prudent” diet (a healthy diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, rice/pasta, legumes, nuts, fish, and low-fat dairy products) was associated with a deceleration of cognitive decline. However, the most fascinating finding is that every little bit helps. More frequent intake of foods from the “prudent” diet might weaken the negative cognitive effects associated with the Western diet, even if you’re unable to change all your habits.
Alzheimers and Dementia. 2016 Feb;12(2):100-9. (Shakersain B, et al.)

Processed Barley & Oats Linked with Less Gut Microbiota Diversity

A healthy diversity of gut microbiota is associated with numerous health benefits. To see how processing grains relates to the microbiome in animals, researchers analyzed the gut microbiota of pigs after feeding them whole grain barley and oats, or extruded whole grain barley and extruded oats. Extrusion is a process used to make pasta, cereal, croutons, and other grain products, by sending a flour and water mixture through a die to get uniform shapes. The gut microbiota of pigs eating the extruded grains showed less diversity and less presence of the microbes associated with health. The researchers concluded that “cereal extrusion affects the microbiota composition and diversity towards a state generally thought to be less beneficial for health.”
Food & Function. 2016 Feb;7(2):1024-32. (Moen B et al.)

Eating Fiber in Young Adulthood Linked with Lower Breast Cancer Risk

Dietary fiber is an important nutrient found in plant foods (mostly in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and pulses). To study the link between fiber intake and breast cancer risk, Harvard scientists analyzed the adolescent and early adulthood diets of over 90,000 women, and noted any diagnosis of breast cancer. The researchers found that every 10g of fiber in adolescence and young adulthood was linked with a 14% and 13% lower risk of breast cancer, respectively. In fact, those eating the most fiber in adolescence and young adulthood (25g per day) were 25% less likely to get breast cancer than those eating the least fiber (12g per day).
Pediatrics. 2016 Feb 1. pii: peds.2015-1226. (Farvid MS et al).

Whole Grains Linked with Less Inflammation and Slower Cognitive Decline in Aging

A “grain brain” seems to be a healthy defense against inflammation and accelerated cognitive decline. In a British study, researchers analyzed the diets, inflammation markers, and cognitive health of over 5,000 middle aged adults over six years. The scientists found that those eating diets high in red and processed meat, peas, legumes (mostly baked beans) and fried food, and lower in whole grains, were more likely to have higher levels of inflammation and accelerated cognitive decline. In fact, whole grains had the strongest link to anti-inflammatory markers among all 37 food groups studied.
Clinical Nutrition. 2016 Jan 29. Pii: S0261-5614(16)00035-2. (Ozawa M et al.)

US Whole Grain Intake Improves from 2001-2012, Linked with Better Weight

We know that healthy whole grains are growing in popularity, but new data quantify this trend. Minnesota researchers analyzed the whole grain intake and BMI, waist circumference, and obesity of nearly 45,000 children and adults from 2001 to 2012. The scientists found that while less than 1% of kids and 8% of adults met whole grain recommendations (about 3 oz equivalents per day), whole grain consumption has improved in both groups (adults from 0.72 oz equivalents in 2001 to 0.97 in 2012, kids from 0.56 oz equivalents in 2001 to 0.74 in 2012). The biggest source of whole grains for both kids and adults alike were yeast breads and ready to eat cereals. Those eating the most whole grains had a lower BMI and waist circumference, and were less likely to be overweight or obese. The researchers conclude that “greater whole grain consumption is associated with better intakes of nutrients and healthier body weight in children and adults,” and that “Continued efforts to promote increased intake of whole grain foods are warranted.”
Nutrition Journal. 2016 Jan 22;15(1):8. (Albertson AM et al.)

Replacing Potatoes with Whole Grains Can Lower Gestational Diabetes Risk

Healthy food choices can be an important way to help prevent gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. To learn more about types of foods that might be helpful or harmful, Harvard researchers analyzed the diets and health outcomes of over 15,000 women. They found that replacing two servings per week of potatoes with whole grains lowered the risk of gestational diabetes by 12% (compared to 10% for replacing potatoes with legumes, and 9% for replacing potatoes with other vegetables).
British Medical Journal. 2016 Jan 12;h6898. (Bao W et al.)

Gluten Free Diet Has No Effect on Non-celiac Athletes

A common belief among athletes is that going gluten-free might help performance. To investigate this popular belief, Australian scientists randomly assigned 13 competitive cyclists without celiac disease to a 7 day gluten containing diet or a 7 day gluten free diet. The cyclists then went through a 10 day washout period, before trying the other diet, serving as their own controls. There was no significant difference in time trial performance of the athletes on either diet, nor were there significant differences in markers of inflammation or intestinal injury.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2015 Dec;47(12):2563-70.

Whole Grains for Breakfast Linked with Higher Test Scores in Elementary Students

Whole grains are a classic centerpiece to the morning meal for many families, but students may especially benefit from this practice. Researchers collected data from nearly 700 elementary school students in Kansas (average age = 7.5) to see how eating breakfast relates to standardized test scores. They found that while breakfast eaters scored significantly higher in all test areas, what the students ate made a big difference. Greater servings of whole grains were significantly related to higher scores in reading comprehension and fluency and math, while fruit juice was significantly correlated with lower math and reading comprehension and fluency scores.  
Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2015 Dec 23:1-8 [Epub ahead of print] (Ptomey LT et al.)
