Here’s a Mother’s Day idea for you: give Mom time off from the kitchen, by sending her a selection of delicious home-style meals, complete with whole grains. I stumbled upon the Home Bistro catalog recently, and was heartily impressed by the company’s whole grain repertoire. It’s so great to see a food catalog where the vast majority of the grains are whole.

Sides include mouth-watering choices like brown rice pilaf with edamame, pecans and currents; whole wheat couscous with confetti vegetables; whole wheat grilled vegetable ravioli; and lemon-mint tabouli. And get this: the soups all come with a bread-bowl loaf of artisanal stoneground whole wheat bread. Choose from scores of sous-vide-packed entrées which arrive at Mom’s door ready to reheat. (Cynthia – April 29, 2008)

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