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It’s not an official part of my job responsibilities, but I carry a stash of Just Ask for Whole Grains pins in my pockets wherever I go. They’re handy at trade shows, where I pass them out with a little thank you to companies that are showing good whole grain products. I’ve had fun perplexing the kid stocking shelves in the bread aisle at my supermarket, when I give him a pin as he shelves the whole grain bread.
And sometimes I go even further afield. Recently, Oldways led a culinary adventure trip to Normandy, which included a visit to a typical French market in Bayeux. The baker shown here had amazing breads, many of them whole grain, which of course caught my attention. Baguettes are all well and good, but this guy was taking French bread to a whole new level.
Someone in our group bought the whole grain bread in the top of this photo, and invited us all to share a taste. It was chewy and flavorful, studded with nuts. Our baker had a bit of a Gallic shrug when we gave him a Just Ask for Whole Grains pin, but we noticed that he kept it on, proudly, as he continued to sell bread at his stand, to discerning French customers. (Thanks to fellow traveler Maryanne Muller for capturing the pin in a photo!)
If you’re traveling someplace special and would like a few Just Ask for Whole Grains pins, email me and I’ll send them off to you. Take a photo, email it to us with a note telling where and when you rewarded a discovery of great whole grains, and we’ll post your photos here on the blog. (Cindy)
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