Next time you’re feeling down, it might be time to re-evaluate your diet and add in some more whole grains.

With the growing rates of anxiety and stress-related illnesses, everyone is looking for healthy alternatives to calm their frazzled nerves.  Where refined, processed and fat-laden foods can increase anxious feelings, whole grains can counteract those feelings by providing a more consistent energy level, higher spirits and even help you relax.

How does it work?  The mood-lifting effects come from vitamin B.  A recent study conducted by Swinburne University of Technology in Australia determines that diets rich in B Vitamins significantly reduce stress. “Vitamin B, which is found in whole unprocessed foods such as whole grains, is integral to the synthesis of neurotransmitters critical to psychological wellbeing,” said professor Con Stough, who ran the three-month trial. 

The family of B-Vitamins includes B2 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin) and B9 (folic acid), among others, and whole grains are loaded with them. Every whole grain is a good or excellent source of at least one B vitamin, and many are strong in several: 

Three B vitamins Two B vitamins One B vitamin
brown rice buckwheat corn
quinoa millet oats
durum wheat teff sorghum
wild rice wheat rye
barley tritica  

I don’t know about you, but if eating whole grains elevates my mood and makes me feel better – I’m on board!  Read more about how diets can influence your mood at Hi-Carb: Better Moods than Low Carb.  (Karen)


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