Chefs everywhere are stepping up to the plate. But others don’t yet realize there’s a new game in town – and that it involves whole grains. It’s up to us to let ‘em know: offering whole grains is healthy for our bodies… and for their bottom line.

Just Ask for Whole Grains everywhere you go. Order whole grains, anytime you can. Everyone wins.

Offer at least one whole grain option

If enough of us make our voices heard and Just Ask for Whole Grains we can send a message to restaurants, cafeterias, coffee shops and other eateries: We want whole grain options. Let’s challenge every restaurant to offer at least one whole grain bread in the breadbasket, and at least one whole grain choice on the menu.

Tell us about your favorite restaurant!

Celebrate the smart chefs already serving whole grains – and give them an official pat on the back. Tell us about the places you eat whole grains, and we’ll add your favorite eatery to our Find Restaurants list.

Email us to tell us about where you found whole grains – and what you ate.

Take Score with Whole Grain Report Cards

If you don’t see whole grains on the menu, ask. “May I have brown rice instead? Do you have any whole grain toast? Could I have a whole wheat wrap?” You may be pleasantly surprised to find out there are options that aren’t readily apparent.

Either way, leave our friendly and positive Whole Grain Report Card behind, for your server or counter clerk to pass on to the manager. Download a sheet of report cards you can print on your own printer.

Hand out “Just Ask” Buttons

Are you a non-profit running a health-related event? A pediatrician who wants to help families eat better? An RD spreading the word about whole grains? Email the Whole Grains Council with your request. Tell us what you plan to do with the buttons, and include your name, title and address, and we’ll send you buttons to hand out to the people you’re trying to help.

Want to see how other health educators are using Just Ask buttons? Click here.

Sorry, we aren’t able to send single buttons to individuals. But if you’re associated with any health or wellness organization, ask them to contact us so you can get buttons for yourself and your community.

Patronize restaurants serving whole grains

Seek out restaurants serving whole grains, and order whole grains often. Best-selling items never get taken off the menu!