Learn about whole grains

All grains start life as whole grains . In their natural state growing in the fields, whole grains are the entire seed of a plant. This seed (also called a “kernel”) is made up of three edible parts – the bran, the germ, and the endosperm – protected by an inedible husk that protects the kernel from...
Check out our “Encyclopedia of Whole Grains” to get a quick overview of all the different grains you could sample, and a few interesting facts about each one. Then dive deeper if you want more...
Most people find whole grains are a delicious way to improve their health, and they enjoy the pleasures of choosing among all the different whole grains. However, the millions of people who can’t properly digest gluten must choose their grains carefully. Luckily for them, most grains are gluten free.
Consumers searching the grocery aisles for authentic whole grain foods now have an effective “search tool” – the Whole Grain Stamp. Making it easy for shoppers to spot whole grain foods helps close the Whole Grains Gap and promotes a goal long sought by nutrition and medical experts. That’s why the...
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Studies show that eating whole grains instead of refined grains lowers the risk of many chronic diseases. While benefits are greatest with at least 3 servings daily, some studies show reduced risks from as little as one serving daily. The message: every whole grain in your diet helps!

Our mission

The Whole Grains Council helps consumers find whole grain foods and understand their health benefits; helps manufacturers and restaurants create delicious whole grain foods; and helps the media write accurate, compelling stories about whole grains.

Learn more about us

Did you know?

Refining wheat removes half or more of a wide range of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients – including 78% of its fiber.

What's new in Whole Grains

We’re celebrating a very special anniversary this month! In January 2005, the Whole Grain Stamp officially launched. To celebrate, we spoke with some of our founding member companies about our partnership. ...
spinach salad with farro
The health benefits of whole grains are crystal clear in the new report, and the recommendation to make at least half your grains whole remains, with specific guidance to “encourage mostly whole grains and lower refined grains.”
Look for the Whole Grain Stamp
More than 25% of whole grain products examined in the Netherlands were found to have inaccurate labels. Find out how 3rd party whole grain certification is combatting these errors and putting truthful whole grain communication front and center.