When there’s Big News in the Whole Grains Council, we send out a press release and post it in the press release section of this website. But every day, the momentum of whole grains moves forward in many smaller ways, which you can read about here in our blog. Come back often, and see what’s new.
Whole grain consumption is linked with a wide range of benefits for children and getting the next generation hooked on whole grains helps instill long-term habits for good health.
From intermittent fasting to restrictive dieting, Americans are targeted left and right by messaging advising them what not to do and what not to eat. However, research on the gut microbiome suggests that a different approach is warranted: Eat more. Specifically, more types of plants.
A misleading new study alleges that "including a moderate amount of whole grains is optional for a healthy diet" -- a finding at odds with prevailing nutrition research. Experts join us to break down the science. ...
Our 2023 Whole Grain Consumer Insights Survey found many indicators that consumers are increasingly seeking whole grain foods, not only for their health benefits, but also because consumers see them as tasty and sustainable.
Nutritious school meals improve the dietary quality of children in the short term, and new research suggests that the benefits can extend into adulthood as well, making stronger whole grain standards in lunches more imperative than ever.
Welcome back to our Spotlight series. This round, we're off to the Middle East with bulgur and its smoky cousin, freekeh. Let's learn more about about these two fiber-filled, quick-cooking grains...
Grains might be considered latecomers to the local foods movement, but they’ve arrived and they’re changing the way many communities think about flavor and flour.
To effectively reduce our risk of diet related disease, research suggests that the one of most impactful nutrition shifts we should prioritize is increasing the consumption of one healthy, yet widely underutilized food group: whole grains.