
Whole Grains Linked with Improvements in Diabetes

Healthy carbohydrates like whole grains are part of the solution, not the problem, when it comes to diabetes. In this study, researchers analyzed 29 randomized controlled trials (the gold standard of nutrition research) to see how whole grains and ancient grains might impact health outcomes in people with diabetes. They found that brown rice significantly improved HbA1c (a measure of blood sugar control over time) and BMI (a measure of weight based on height), that oats significantly improved cholesterol, and that millet significantly improved body weight. However, given the different grains and research methods used, it was difficult for the researchers to draw broad conclusions across the whole group of grains, indicating that more research is needed to understand these effects. 
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2024 May;34(5):1110-1128. doi: 10.1016/j.numecd.2024.03.005. Epub 2024 Mar 7. (Magi CE et al.)

Cholesterol / Serum Lipids
Diabetes / Insulin / Glucose
Weight Control / BMI
Traditional Diets, General

Millet-based Lunches Improve Health in Indian Children

Millet is a whole grain that has a rich history throughout India. However, in recent times, millet has been displaced by refined grains like white rice. In this study, researchers introduced millet-based lunches at 2 schools in Karnataka, India, and then compared the health outcomes of those 136 students to 102 students at 2 schools who ate their regular fortified rice-based lunches for 3 months. Those in the millet group significantly improved stunting (an important measure of growth and development) and BMI, while the rice group did not. Additionally, all of the millet meals had high acceptability, with the most popular ones being finger millet ildi (a steam cooked fermented savory cake), little and pearl millet bisi belle bath (a millet-lentil hot meal), and upma (a pearl and little millet-vegetable meal).
Nutrients. 2019 Sep 3;11(9). pii: E2077. doi: 10.3390/nu11092077.(Anitha S et al.)

Diet Quality / Nutrients
Taste / Palatability
Quick & Easy
Pancakes .jpg


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