Maria Speck's Book Simply Ancient Grains
Eat whole grains simply for the flavor – for the range of interesting tastes, textures and colors they bring to the plate. Health is just a bonus, not the main attraction.
It’s fluffy, white and mildly sweet, and delivers 7g each of protein and fiber. And it’s grown right here in the US.
Barley Salad
Today’s athletes are scrapping the bottomless protein shakes and post-exercise fast food runs to make way for a tried-and-true training staple: whole grains.
Chik-fil-A Harvest Kale and Grain Bowl
Whole grains are now so mainstream they're showing up at fast food restaurants where you might never have expected to find them. Go – and vote with your fork, so these restaurants will keep adding more whole grain options...
Meet the newest member of the WGC team, and learn to make a tasty late summer meal with brown rice, wild rice and fresh-picked veggies.
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In celebration of Whole Grains Month this September, we’re taking to Instagram to spotlight the creative things chefs are doing with whole grains, and the surprising places that we can all find whole grains away from home.
Blog Tabs on Mobile Device
Break out the champagne, for our new website.
Rye in Field
August's Grain of the Month is rye, and its newer cousin triticale, a hybrid of wheat and rye...
PB&J Overnight Oats
Today, I’m sharing a recipe that has been heavy in my summer rotation: PB & J Overnight Oatmeal.
Maine Grains Logo
Regional grain movements are being reborn around the country, including in Skowhegan, Maine, where speech language pathologist Amber Lambke reinvented herself as the local miller.
Grain Bowl
The beauty of the grain bowl is its ability to become anything you want it to be.
Kara Neilsen
Find out why Kara Nielsen, an independent food trendologist, predicts that ”Teff is getting ready to be the next quinoa.”
