Gingered Farro and Wild Rice Salad
Leading up to our September conference, we've been talking with chefs around the country, who all agree on one message: When it comes to whole grain, it's all about the flavor!...
wheat in a field
Heirloom wheats include emmer, farro, spelt, Kamut® and so many more. This month's Grain of the Month is wheat, and we're celebrating them all!...
EverdayWhole Grains
Go behind the scenes on the making of this gorgeous new book with Cooking Light executive food editor Ann Taylor Pittman.
Wheatberry Salad
Recent health studies reinforce one of the big reasons whole grains add value to any meal: they may help you live longer. Get the details here.
sorghum plants
Even though many may have never heard of sorghum, it is actually one of the top five most important cereal crops in the world. Find out about this month's Grain of the Month...
Bulgur Black Bean Veggie Burger
There are many types of recipes that actually perform much better when you swap in some whole grains.
barley side dish
If fiber's all you think whole grains have to offer, you've got another think coming. The good things in whole grains go way beyond fiber...
Fresh baked cookies
We KNOW that a whole grain cookie is still a cookie and yet -- if you're going to eat a cookie or two, why not make it whole grain?...
Assorted Breads
Enriched grain products may flaunt their added nutrients and supposed nutritional superiority, but Americans aren't buying it. According to the IFIC Food & Health Survey, it's whole grain or bust!...
NPD Protein Survey
If you think protein's only found in meat, fish, eggs and other animal foods, you may be surprised to learn that whole grains can help fulfill your protein needs...
amaranth grain
Amaranth is an ancient grain that may be totally new to you. Learn more about this month's Grain of the Month...
Young Boy Eating a Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread
The USDA announced stronger nutrition requirements for the National Child and Adult Care Food Program. What does that mean for our children?
