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Which Brazilian whole grain is real?
Last week the WGC was invited to Brazil to share information about whole grain definitions, consumer attitudes, and the Whole Grain Stamp with government regulators and manufacturers. Get a peek at whole grains in a Brazilian supermarket – and share key takeaways from the Brasilia workshop.
Picture of globe on a plate with a fork and knife
A 2017 climate and diet study found that the carbon emissions reduction that would result from adopting healthier diets, would be equivalent to every person driving 500-2000 fewer miles each year. The emissions reduction from this diet change alone would allow the US to meet between 6-24% of the US...
Signage at Mei Mei in Boston
It is difficult to stand out among the ever growing list of food holidays, but then again, we’ve never been ones to back down from a challenge. In the six years since its inception, Whole Grain Sampling Day has blossomed into a full-fledged community event, complete with recipe tastings, giveaways,...
Stamp Out Complex Labels
Are you daunted by the number of ingredients listed for some baked goods? Help is on the way, with "cleaner" labels thanks to whole grains, sprouted grains, sourdough, and natural preservatives like rosemary...
Spread with Latin American foods including salsa, guacamole and tortillas
Whole grains have always composed a significant part of traditional diets in every region of the world. This week we take a look at a few traditional whole grain foods around the world that continue to tantalize palates and influence local cuisines.
collage of photos from Whole Grain Sampling Day
It’s hard to believe the huge flavor potential that grains can offer until you introduce your taste buds to whole grains.
Karen Mansur in Korean video
The WGC has covered tens of thousands of miles worldwide, spreading the word about whole grains. What a wonderful, strange trip it's been so far!...
Millstones in the upper level of the Plimoth Plantation Grist Mill
On a frigid, blustery Saturday in March, farmers, millers, bakers, maltsters, brewers, distillers, and chefs from around the region gathered at Plimoth Plantation’s recently renovated Grist Mill to make new connections and strategize ways of growing the local grain economy.
seniors with their arms raised
Around the world, there are pockets of vibrant, healthy 90- and 100-year-olds who have never taken a wheat grass shot or a multivitamin, and never stepped foot inside a gym. They stayed active into their 8th, 9th, and 10th decades by living a simple life complete with daily activity, deep social...
Sourdough Breads / Oldways photo
My gut instincts told me whole grain sourdough is about as good as bread comes. When I looked at the evidence, I was even more convinced.
Oatmeal with bananas and blueberries
When we’re told to get more good bacteria in our diet, yogurt gets all of the glory. But as researchers learn more about what constitutes a healthy gut microbiome, the case for making more of your grains whole gets stronger and stronger.
Compare two rices
Four in ten people say cost is a barrier to eating more whole grains. But is that true? The evidence we uncovered in a typical grocery store aisle may surprise you.
