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Farm equipment in field at sunset
In 2015 the Smiths, crop farmers in Michigan, decided to plant 33 acres of teff for the first time. The creation of their new teff business was an opportunity to react and adjust to unfavorable, unsustainable economic conditions in commodities markets and carve a new path for themselves.
vegetable appetizers served with skordalia and barley rusks
Though we love our usual quinoa salads and morning oatmeal, we have been especially delighted to encounter less ubiquitous whole grains during a particularly whirlwind bout of jet setting.
Alessio Fasano
Two decades ago, almost no one in the world had heard of celiac disease or gluten, while today both these terms are mainstream, in large part thanks to one man: Dr. Alessio Fasano.
Picture of Rice Field
How do small farmers compete and thrive in a food system geared toward Big Agriculture? The answer almost always involves farmers banding together, often in concert with millers and manufacturers.
multigrain bread
Consumers are demanding higher quality, more flavorful foods than ever before, a fact particularly evident in the surge of artisan, whole grain breads. But when exactly did whole grain loaves become the new standard?
Bob Moore Wins Golden Spurtle
Who makes the best porridge in the world? Bob Moore, according to Scottish judges.
Field of Wheat
QAI’s Certified Transitional program, created in partnership with the Kashi Transitional Farming Initiative, sets benchmarks for each of the three years of transition as a farm moves from conventional farming practices to organic, and allows farmers to earn a premium on their crops during this...
quinoa salad at Audubon
In a welcome testament to good karma, evidence is piling up that healthier food, like whole grains, can also reap healthier profits for restaurants, schools and other foodservice establishments.
Maria Speck's Book Simply Ancient Grains
Eat whole grains simply for the flavor – for the range of interesting tastes, textures and colors they bring to the plate. Health is just a bonus, not the main attraction.
It’s fluffy, white and mildly sweet, and delivers 7g each of protein and fiber. And it’s grown right here in the US.
Barley Salad
Today’s athletes are scrapping the bottomless protein shakes and post-exercise fast food runs to make way for a tried-and-true training staple: whole grains.
Chik-fil-A Harvest Kale and Grain Bowl
Whole grains are now so mainstream they're showing up at fast food restaurants where you might never have expected to find them. Go – and vote with your fork, so these restaurants will keep adding more whole grain options...
