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Few regions know whole grains better than the Pacific Northwest. In preparation for our upcoming Whole Grains Council conference in Seattle, we spoke with local grain guru, Megan Gordon.
Bowl of oatmeal with bananas and blueberries
From vegan to paleo, it is hard to find a successful lifestyle where unrefined, healthy carbohydrates like fruit, legumes, whole grains, and vegetables do not play an important role. There is no single dietary villain or savior – a healthy diet includes countless different foods and nutrients.
A Singaporean shopper buying brown rice
Faced with rapidly rising rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes, the Singaporean government’s Health Promotion Board has been working hard to promote a major shift toward whole grains in a country where white rice and refined grain noodles make up a huge part of the average consumer diet.
Real Bread Outreach in Haiti
Give a man bread, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to bake bread, and you feed him for a lifetime. Or at least that’s the way that Sue Becker is interpreting the age-old adage.
A spoonful of farro salad
As the summer solstice brightly hovers on the horizon, we’d like to highlight a summer favorite of ours – grain bowl salads.
Brown Rice Poke Bowl with veggies and shrimp
Plant-forward. Veg-centric. Plant-focused. These terms are making a splash in foodie lingo as an increasing number of innovative chefs and restauranteurs embrace meals using more whole grains, vegetables and legumes, and less meat.
salmon with balsamic strawberries and bulgur-sweet pea salad
Meal kits are a popular way for consumers to practice healthy habits, by building cooking skills and trying new ingredients like whole grains. Find out which whole grains might find their way onto your doorstep via meal kits, and read on about our experience here.
Field of wheat
Whether it is creating a new vision of rye from its peasant-bread-and-caraway-studded past, or growing, milling, and baking with flavorful flours from single-source grains, the best bread is being baked now.
a bowl of fonio hot cereal with dried fruit
With a rich, earthy and nutty flavor, and a texture much like couscous, fonio is prized for its distinctive taste.
Free food is one of the most reliable ways to draw a crowd, so by offering healthy foods and giving people a risk-free opportunity to try them, people turn out in droves, and open their minds to new, nutritious ingredients in the process.
Vegan Carrot Ginger Muffin Made from Whole Grain Khorasan wheat flour. Image Courtesy of Flour Bakery
Some eateries take a “stealth health” approach, quietly sneaking in more nutrient-dense ingredients, but Flour went a different route. Find out about Flour's new whole grain menu launch, and how this James Beard Award winning baker is giving her classic pastries a whole grain twist...
Cover of the Whole Grains Around the World book
When it comes to experiencing food traditions from around the world, your own kitchen can unlock endless culinary adventures – no expensive plane tickets necessary.
