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Two flyers, one for Grain Gab and one for Edible Boston regional grain issue
The Whole Grains Council joined individuals from all sectors of the Northeastern grain world, from New England to Canada, at The Northeast Grain Gab earlier last month to participate in a lively discussion on how to ‘connect the dots’ of this burgeoning regional grain economy.
Most whole grain breads are made with whole grains that have been milled into fine particles to form a whole grain flour, in a mixture that contains all of the grain kernel’s original bran, germ, and endosperm. But if ground whole grains are great, might intact whole grains be better?
Grain By Grain book cover
At a time when increasingly urgent headlines about climate change are commonplace, and many farmers are facing tough economic situations, this story about the importance of biodiversity, economic resiliency, rural communities, and the value of ecological health seems particularly poignant.
Loaves of bread
Supporting our microbiota with a balanced, plant-based diet full of naturally fiber-rich foods is the best path to a healthy gut.
A new study found that babies eating more gluten in their first few years of life were significantly more likely to develop celiac disease. Find out why this research raises more questions than answers.
Green Rice Bowl with Buffalo Cauliflower
The fresh, colorful, inventive dishes that fill the pages of Quelcy’s cookbook reflect her mission to reframe food limitations (such as wheat allergies or gluten intolerance) as a positive, creative tool.
man grocery shopping
The decades of nutrition advice encouraging Americans to eat more whole grains takes one small assumption for granted: that Americans will actually know which grains are which. Find out what a new study found when they put shoppers to the test.
grain mill
America was rapidly changing in the mid-19th and 20th centuries, and a trip down memory lane reveals some surprising influencers, who not only impacted what people ate then, but continue to influence what people eat today.
Ladybug on a sheaf of tritordeum
Created by Spanish researchers by combining durum wheat with a wild barley variety native to Chile and Argentina, this new crop pairs the digestibility of barley with the globally-beloved taste of wheat.
Assorted Grains in bowls and slices of bread
Some misguided dieters eschew whole grains, fruits, and even legumes, because they "get enough fiber from vegetables and nuts." What's missing from the conversation is that not all fiber is created equal, and more importantly, that fiber is not the only benefit that whole grains...
Assorted Whole Grain organized in squares
As the top 10 overall diets of 2019 as ranked by The US News and World report show, no matter which way you spin it whole grains are an important part of a healthful diet.
Bowl of cornmeal
Allowing refined grains to be credited as though they were whole grains sends mixed signals to foodservice providers and manufacturers about how to formulate and serve whole grain products, and it sends contradictory messages to consumers as well.
